Welcome To

Shri Waheguru International School

A complete life is inclusive of everything around us is present in a school with a unique mission. Institutes provide children with opportunities. All of us do have ideas about our own everyday life and also about other’s life. Our mission is to spread diversified and quality education and the capacity of individuals to develop a common understanding with others. People have always observed and reflected upon societies and groups in which they live. We need to reflect on the rich social life of our country and give the international community a lively sense of daily experience and generations share. Mata Gujri Senior Secondary School is always eager to spread education and tries to take advantage of the views and thoughts of the great personalities around us. It is inspired by the greatest woman of all times made to borne by god almighty. She endured testing times passed through turbulent phases untiringly toiled against unrelenting odds. We always focus to develop students’ reasoning power


Shri Waheguru International School
Notice Board
  • Summer Break for students of classes Nursery to X will be from 1st June 2022 to 3rd July 2022. The school will reopen on 4th July 2022. School timings will be remains same.

School Objectives

Why Choose Us ?

  • Strength of a section restricted to 25-30 to give personal care to each student.
  • Less home work: creative assignments & work sheets to avoid mental as well as financial burden of private tutoring at home.
  • English lab for language fluency and Maths lab for better understanding Of the subject. Lincoln Library for inspiring Reading habits.
  • Audio Visuals through Overhead Projectors, CD ROMs & Smart Classrooms to make learning process easier.
  • Debates and Group Discussions for better exposure. Hobby Classes as a creative outlet.

Our Specialities

Smart Education

No heavy bags to carry, Smart Board Enable Classroom and Digital Educations.

Sports & Activities

Leaders in Sports & Games [International, National, State and District Level]

Confidence Booster

Confidence is boosted by interaction with eminent scholars, Doctors, Leaders and Officers.

Right of Student

All students have voice in the classroom and multitude of opportunities.

Special Attention

All students have Teacher’s attention & teachers listen to them.


All Students are proud of their accomplishments.

Implementing Programme

Teachers are implementing programmes to improve student’s learning.

Co-operative Learning

Teachers encourage group co-operative learning and problem solving.

Secure Environment.

School provides a secure homely, personal and challenging environment.

Our Toppers

Recent Activities