Director's Message

Each one of us has some in-built qualities of head and heart which are unique to one. These qualities Prominent themselves when a child grows. Now it is the duty of parents of the child, his extended family and up to some extent the society to recognize them and shape them so that the concerned child become a complete personality and a useful part of the society and could help in nation-building.

The school aims at an all-around development of boys and girls; physical, emotional and intellectual with consciousness towards social obligations, Indian art, culture, music, dance, yoga and languages.
10 years of General Education is followed by 2 years of preparation leading to Engineering, Medicine, Commerce and Institutes of higher education and future careers.

The aim of the school is to impart an all-around education, so as to equip the students mentally, morally, physically and culturally to become worthy citizens of free India and enable them to zealously guard and retain its noble traditions. The School aims at disciplined students, educated in mind, body and spirit and hence best suited to serve their country and best fitted to lead others by their example.

Mr. Ramanjit Singh
