School Vision & Mission

  • To develop an understanding and appreciation of the "global dimension of our world and of the knowledge, skills, values and mindset needed to be responsible citizens."
  • To make children be aware and appreciative of their "history, culture and traditions, whilst being open to other cultures and alternative views of the world."
  • To provide a local and global dimension in curriculum and pedagogy by offering a blend of nationally and "internationally acclaimed educational programmes, which serve as the best preparation for further studies in the world's finest universities."
  • "To promote global-mindedness, peace and friendship" "through exchange programmes and interactions with organizations, institutions and universities from around the world."
  • "To build a community of competent and caring educators, with rich experience and multi-cultural perspectives, and provide them continued professional development opportunities."
  • To continuously improve the quality of education offered by regular review of curriculum and adopting best practices.
  • "To foster the all-round development of children by facilitating their learning in an exciting, inspiring challenging and innovative environment.
  • To inspire young minds to think creatively and laterally, solve problems and develop a lifelong enthusiasm for" "learning, and thus prepare them for future challenges and opportunities."
  • "To nurture the talent in each child, to develop them into confident communicators in more than one language," ad as individual who are principled reflective and self. directed.